
Kids Can. Do anything. Be anything. Take on the world.

Kids Can Community Center is a early childhood education center in Omaha, Nebraska, that offers after-school care and education through the Omaha Public School system as well as their center in South Omaha. As creative director of MaverickPR, I led the brand refresh as the organization started their capital campaign to build a new center.


Kids Can’s original logos were surprisingly dated for an organization that provided care based on the cutting edge of early childhood education research. Our new logo needed to retain the original identity’s recognition in the community, approachability, playfulness and color.


We brought in Comfortaa, a rounded and approachable font, for general use. As a Google Font, it’s easy to download and use, a key feature for a nonprofit that doesn’t keep a dedicated designer on staff. We also used the exclamation mark as a playful and dynamic shape motif.


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